Sam Sartor
Git( Hub| Lab)
I research 3D scanning and graphics at William & Mary, when not distracted by programming languages and fiddle music!
Sam Sartor, Pieter Peers
A flexible training-free diffusion-base method for generating tileable image sets, including self-tiling images, stochastic self-tiling images, and Wang tile textures.
Sam Sartor, Pieter Peers
SVBRDF estimation from photographs for three different lighting conditions (directional, natural, and flash/no-flash illumination) is shown by refining a novel SVBRDF diffusion backbone model, named MatFusion.
Givin that state is always somewhat mutable and somewhat shared, here is a taxonomy of the different problems mutation can cause. As well as a list of my favorite solutions for each.
In the last post we discussed different ways to build a simple GUI application. It seems like a hybrid approach (using widget trees) is the way to go, but there is a point where it starts to break down. We need to offload state management to a dedicated system.
The way I see it, all software applications fall on a spectrum, from those that are very stateful to those that are completely stateless. Rust is good at stateless programming, but is struggling to adapt to very stateful domains like GUI development.
Now that async/await has been released, attention has drifted back to refining stackless coroutines (the unstable language feature that makes async/await possible). Alas, the latest RFC has shown that there is still a lot of disagreement on what exactly coroutines in Rust should look like beyond async/await. I felt like it will be useful to flesh out what coroutines could be so we can better discuss what they should be…
Writing a search engine is hard. When confronted with the endless complexities of language, it is usually best to use code written by other, presumably smarter, people. For whatever reason, I was recently forced to implement my own search engine. Although this might have been accomplished with sufficient guesswork, I decided to try and derive an appropriate algorithm with math! I’ve documented my approach here if anyone else ever finds themselves in a similar situation…
That's all for now.